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Testing your Office Ally and ChiroFusion connection to ensure claims are transmitting properly

This article describes how to properly test your Office Ally connection within ChiroFusion to ensure claims are transmitting properly.

After filing your first batch of e-claims, you will want to ensure that your configuration is set up properly and that claims are transmitting to Office Ally.


When claims are filed in ChiroFusion, their status will appear as 'AWAITING' in E-Claims Tracking. Within 6 hours, this status should update to 'ACCEPTED' to indicate that Office Ally has received the batch.


If the 'AWAITING' status remains for more than 6 hours, it's highly likely that you have entered incorrect SFTP credentials in the Utilities page of your ChiroFusion Admin account and need to update them.


Once you have re-entered the correct SFTP credentials into ChiroFusion the batches in AWAITING will automatically transmit to Office Ally.