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How to connect your Office Ally account to ChiroFusion

Connecting your Office Ally account to ChiroFusion is required in order to submit e-claims.

You will need your Office Ally SFTP username and password to connect your Office Ally account to ChiroFusion.


Office Ally will send you two separate emails, one containing your SFTP username and a second containing your SFTP password. Be sure to verify that you are using your 'SFTP" credentials and not your Office Ally account login credentials (see image below).


Email #1 contains SFTP username:

OA SFTP Username

Email #2 contains SFTP password:

SFTP Password HD-1_____________________________________________________________


Once you have your SFTP credentials, linking the two accounts is simple.

Simply log into your ChiroFusion Admin account, then go to Utilities > Office Ally SFTP.


OA SFTP Utilities